雙簧管資訊 Oboe News
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雙簧管資訊 Oboe News

雙簧管資訊 | Oboe News - 香港雙簧管中心HK Oboe Centers

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Ob•session is the first and an unique ensemble in Hong Kong featuring all instruments of the oboe family. It aspires to bring the wonderful sounds of oboe ensemble and its exciting repertoire to the audiences. Led by renowned oboist Yiu Song Lam, the group consists of players from different Universities in HK, the HK Academy for Performing Arts, prestigious overseas music institutes, as well as professional performing groups.
本樂團 為本地首個全雙簧管的獨特樂團, 旨在為各地觀眾帶來雙簧管合奏的美妙音色和多元化的音樂. 樂團由著名雙簧管演奏家姚桑琳帶領,團員來自香港各大學,香港演藝學院,海外著名學府及專業藝團。
雙簧管的前身-蕭姆管於巴洛克時期前已一直被用作演奏軍樂。直至十七後半世紀,法國人從改良蕭姆管發明了雙簧管,改進了的樂器性能及音色控制能力令雙簧管得以進入藝術音樂之領域。在路易十四的皇宮內亦設有雙簧管樂團負責演奏宮廷舞曲、進行曲及歌曲。自此雙簧管樂團成為重要的室樂表演形式,甚至於巴洛克頂峰時期, 無論在皇宮、軍隊以及政府部門均設有以雙簧管樂手組成的樂團,肩負起不同演出目的。
The Oboe was invented by the French in the second half of the 17th century and modified from its ancestor - the Shawm, which had long been used in military bands. The improved flexibility and sonority quickly brought the oboe into use in "Art" music. At the court of Louis IV, a band of oboes was hired to perform dance tunes, marches and airs. The Oboe band has then become an important form of chamber music. At the peak of the Baroque period, oboe ensembles flourished all over Europe and held important roles in court, military and city music.

香港雙簧管中心是香港首間以雙簧管為主的服務中心, 提供雙簧管課程, 雙簧管維修服務, 雙簧管介紹, 雙簧管保養知識, 雙簧管演奏技巧, 雙簧管導師介紹, 香港雙簧管合奏團, 雙簧管演奏會, 雙簧管大師班, 雙簧管活動,二手雙簧管買賣及音樂室租用 。

About Hong Kong Oboe Center
Hong Kong Oboe Center provide oboe Course, oboe tutor, Hong Kong oboe choir, Oboe Maintenance tips, Oboe Performance tips, Oboe repair service, Oboe activities, second hand oboe retail, Oboe recital, Oboe master class, oboe events, oboe concert.

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